неділя, 26 квітня 2015 р.

I will survive

You know, guys, being a student from our departmant is a daunting task. You can't take your time and put your feet up, because there are so many things to do! As far as I know, that there are many things that turn out not to be so hard, especially during yor classes of English Vocabulary.
Firstly, get organized. Write everything down, carry out all the projects, hand in your papers on time and so on. Do not play truant and don't put off making decisions and doing your vocabulary tasks. Happy-go-lucky is not the same as lazy bones. Do not loose your sense of responsibility, especially during group tasks.
Secondly, while trying to submit your blogposts, understand, what is useful and what is not. Do not use the words, in which you are not sure.
By the way, you have to grasp the importance of all the links which are introduced, because some of them are useful even in yor everyday tasks.
Moreover, get on well with your professor and don't loose touch with each other. It can be very useful to have an ability to ask questions. Don't be scared, professor do not bite. Literally.
Talk a lot. You don't have to be a real know-all, but talking allows you to become not so diffident. Be passionate about your tasks, choose things, which are really interesting for you!
Also I would advice you to single out few programs (for making video, etc.) and use them all the time. I had to reinstall Windows, because I could hardly find any suitable programme. It was hard to come to terms with that, but I did it and know choose everything more careful.
Love what you do. Really. You will be lost if you don't love what you do. Everybody has a vivid imagination, and this course is the right one to use it.
Finally, do not let anything to pry into your life. Studying is good, but don't set too hard standarts for yourself and don't think about your final blogpost while you're asking somebody out. No one would like to hear anything like "I can hardly wait when our love at first sight develops into something more and we stick together for good".
Good luck!

неділя, 19 квітня 2015 р.

Help the planet

The best thing would be today is to involve as many people in saving of our nature as possible. We can do anything good even during doing our household chores. I think there have to be few things to help our country. These suggestions should be known everywhere in our country.
1. Plant a tree. "Going green" doesn't have to be a daunting task that means sweeping life changes. Simple things can make a difference. Prune certain bushes, do the weeding, plant bulbs. Create new life! This way, few years later, you can put your feet up near your small forest and understand the importance of what is done.
2. Change your light. If every family, which lives in a cottage switched to fluorescent bulbs, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road. Use energy-saving appliances at home.
3. Turn off computers at night. By turning off your computer instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can stop consuming 40 watt-hours per day. If you leave anything on standby, or charge anything unnecessarily, it spoils your savings as well as it spoils nature. Conserve the energy.
4. Go vegetarian once a week. One less meat-based meal a week helps the planet and your diet. For example: It requires 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. You will also also save some trees as animal's habitat. Not only trees - meadows and slopes, rivers and lakes too. For each hamburger that originated from animals raised on rainforest land, approximately 55 square feet of forest have been destroyed, and it leads to deforestation. Also try not to buy disposable products. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, which are in season.
5. Recycle. The government should tell that to every green activist. Creating groundbreaking enterprises will involve people in visitins sustainable places and doing various things. For example, recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20 percent and related water pollution by 50 percent.
6. Buy second-hand. Second hand stores often sell these items in excellent condition since they are used for such a short period of time, and will generally buy them back when you no longer need them. Reduce your consumption and spendings on things you can buy in these shops. Original things can even attract other people!

неділя, 12 квітня 2015 р.

Die, die, die, my darling (c)

When we ask students about their lifestyle, we're not really interested in their healthy life. Definitely no. Prices - yes. Marks and results  - sure. However, nobody takes care of their balanced diet, keeping fit or splitting headache. Students don't care even more than others people do. They face difficult choices everyday, and they have to understand, what is more important to them: studying or health. But it is possible to keep everything in balance: you can have a rest and you don't need to go without your favourite food, spending your free time or anything else.
I have a burning desire to give some pieces of advice about useful lifestyle:
 - Make half your plate fruits and vegetables; you have to eat nourishing meals, because only this way you'll be capable of doing all this hard everyday tasks.
 - Drink water instead of sugary drinks; people are made of water, but they try to consist of Cola. Water is a perfect refreshing drink, it makes you feel better and much more relaxed. Everybody has to drink at least 1,5 - 2 litres of water everyday if he/she wants to take care of a healthy eating.
 - Let yourself eat what you want and not stop yourself; some students think it cool to die of hunger, or go on everyday diets even if they don't need it.
 - Move; it doesn't mean you have to excercise a lot - you have to feel that you burn up not your calories, but bad emotions.
 - Walk, do not go by bus; once you've arrived at a decision of keeping fit, do anything: run, walk around, visit a swimming pool and so on. Even if you have problems with health, you may go for a walk. It will save you from a depression, and when you stick to your programme of walking, you will love this way of spending free time.
 - Go outside; spend as much time far from your home as possible. This way you will be protected from many serious illnesses.
 - Do your household chores for a longer time; if you have a choice, you should spend your time in another way.
 - Remember to breathe; is there any simpler way to relax? Slow, deep breaths can help lower blood pressure and heart rate. Breathing is the main point in all the relaxation techniques, and it saves people from a reange of illnesses: heart disease, heart attacks etc. Moreover, even if you have a dull ache, breathing may help you.
 - Be аlone; not everyone needs a cabin the woods, but five minutes of alone time can help you collect your thoughts and clear your head. If you have no option, try to go somewhere far from people and have a rest for few minutes.
 - Sleep; it is still the main thing to save you from a number of life-threatening illnesses. 

пʼятниця, 10 квітня 2015 р.

The Double

I don't know how to be myself. It's like I'm permanently outside myself. Like, like you could push your hands straight trough me if you wanted to. And I can see the type of man I actually am and I know that I'm doing it but I'm incapable of what needs to be done. I'm like Pinocchio, a wooden boy. Not a real boy. And it kills me. 
(c) The Double, 2013
Once upon a time there was a man, who was as good as gold and as naive as possible. Despite his positive features, he never revealed his true character, because people admitted the lack of charisma and even didn't say him a word. He didn't have a good relationship with anybody. His name was Mr. Cellophane. He was diffident and considerate, though nobody saw it. He thought it was good to be down-to-earth and not to hurt other's feelings. He wasn't top of the class at school, sportsman or easy-going guy. Mr. Cellophane was just middle-of-the-road. 
One day he looked at his own reflection in the mirror and realized that it didn't bear a striking resemblance to him. No, no - the same curly hair and thin face, a whole map of freckles on his cheeks, but it wasn't him.
 - Hello, - said his own reflexion with a cunning smile, - Are you still drawn to that girl from your office? Nice, but void. You didn't succed in making friends with her, and the didn't go with you. My poor boy, you still can't understand, that your love is not returned. Don't judge a book by its cover. You're not her type. 
 - I really don't take to my own reflection, - answered Mr. Cellophane, almost ready to lose his patience. - Who are you?
 - You're so brainless sometimes, - said the man softly. - I'm Mr. Enahpollec. You should stop thinking the world of anybody, except me. Do you understand what I meen?
 - Wha..
 - Ah, well, time to go, - said Mr. Enahpollec, - I'll keep in contant with you, sweetie. Bye!
Mr. Cellophane wanted to say something, but the mirror became dark and suddenly fell on the floor.

пʼятниця, 6 лютого 2015 р.

Perfection in the variety

When people talk about “live in peace” slogan, they usually think about the threat of war with weapons and bombs in front of their house. There are different branches of war, and we can distinguish between them. Nature is diverse, and we are the part of it. Nevertheless, for many people fight for their appearance against “authorities” of so-called “beauty world” is very painful. That’s why I have decided to tell about the Body Positive movement, which has attracted a lot of people around the world.
The fundamental activities of this movement encompass not only taking part in demonstrations, but also stopping self-hating and forgetting about diets, operations of changing your form of eyes on the European standard. People may paint their hair green and pink, men may wear dresses, and scars are not ugly. 
Leaders of this movement, Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott, have their own funding and colleagues who stand on the guard of their ideas (I have wrote their names in the timeline). The idea of the Body Positive Movement was a product of late-twentieth century, when the main topic among feminists was about issues of sexuality, challenging female heterosexuality and celebrating sexuality as a means of female empowerment. In 1996 there was a foundation of the Body Positive movement.
It often focuses on "micro-politics"and individual aspects of every woman.
From 2000 this idea began to develop. For people from this "society", a woman's right to control her own sexuality is a key issue. Feminists such as Catharine MacKinnon argue that women have very little control over their own bodies, with female sexuality (and outlook) being largely controlled and defined by men in patriarchal societies.  Moreover, it is told, that women shouldn't be a sexual object even if they want to be beautiful. In 2000 there were formed these principles of this movement:
1. Love your body.
2. Find 10 things you love in yourself and remember about them.
3. Remind yourself that inner beauty is more important though you are beautiful all the time.
4. Don't focus on some parts of your body.
5. Try to be surrounded only by good people.
6. Wear what you like.
7. Be critical to mass media.
8. Show your body that you love it.
9. Don't spend your time on diets and counting callories - spend it on something useful.
Jessica Diaz began to work with the Body Positive as a high school peer leader in 2001. She has been working with the Body Positive to create curricula, develop and facilitate peer leadership trainings. She is also interested in writing blogs and participating in video projects. Moreover, Jessica represents the organization through speaking engagements and workshops nationwide.
Kelle Jacobs joined the Body Positive as a workshop participant in 2011. She has been trying to raise funding to bring The Body Positive’s peer leadership program to her local school district, and has provided support for organizing administrative tasks and marketing strategy.
A lot of ideas of the Body Positive has been  introduced at the University of California, Berkeley, and in the newest book "Body Respect: What Conventional Health Books Get Wrong, Leave Out, and Just Plain Fail to Understand about Weight."
Women comprise the vast majority of such groups, because they face a greater number of requirements than men. They stand up for their right to be beautiful everyday and everywhere. I think it is great that people want to have a say about what they think is good or not, and not to be afraid of combats with people who have more conservative thoughts. As far as I know, it is still a great problem to be taken seriously, when we say, that people are not made of other people’s thoughts. Every country must not only give a good education or a place of work for somebody, but also ensure that people merely won’t be abused because of their appearance.
I want this movement to bring about a new outlook on the right to love your body. It would be great if the impact of the mass media (white women who weight not more than 60 kilos and men who weight not less than 90) would be minimized. I believe that this movement will win the respect of all smart people on this planet and no one will hate him-/her- self anymore because of interesting specificities of the body. 

середа, 4 лютого 2015 р.

Dear Victoria.

Dear Victoria,
I hope you are all right. How’s your family? Do you still work at the workshop? How are your brothers? I tried to play stickball – wish I could play with them!
I have successfully integrated into a new society. For example, I am accustomed to catching taxi, though I can set out and get away from it all if I’m tired from the megapolis. There are many unspoilt and stunning landscapes in America. Moreover, I use every possibility to go for a wander around any lake or forest I can find, especially if it is out of season.
I was working as a newsy for a long time, and it was almost impossible to go away for the first few months. However, I am delighted that my work requires being in the open air.  I tried my best and it turned out to be a great success! I have more money, so now I can afford myself a trip to Florida. I wish I could sunbathe or go camping with you, but I know that you have no time. Maybe I will stop off not far from your home. Anyway, I must renew my passport and after that plan anything.
We live in a run-down house now and I still can’t enter any school, because I must help my family. We were uprooted and flee from these conflicts in Austria-Hungary, so I have to be grateful. We try our best and want to live in peace with everybody around. I don’t have any desire to return.
I still have feeling of nostalgia, when I think about our conversations. I remember about the discrimination we faced with and a great prejudice I saw when I came to a new world. I am glad you helped me with a budget accommodation, because it was hard to find anything cheap in this vibrant city.
Thank you for your help.

неділя, 1 лютого 2015 р.

Dylan O'Brien on Fakebook

My fellow fakebookers, I have some news for you.
After a meteoric rise of “Teen Wolf” serial there was a great problem with a new location for the next season. The survey has showed that most people felt tired of America and wanted a new country to be on the screen. So I decided to tell you the truth, because we don’t need the rumors to spread around.   We didn’t take Ian Bohen with us (sorry, man, we don’t need a scandal!) and arrived to the Ostroh Academy. There are beautiful locations there and not so many people around, and that is good. I think that we might have much more privacy in Ostroh, than we had in the USA. I don’t like people who intrude into my life, but in Ukraine, I hope, there won’t be such a problem.
Needless to say, I’ve never been to Ukraine, and I feel a bit humiliated, but I hope that I’ll improve everything in a few visits. For me it is still quite unusual to be the one in the public eye. I still do not feel like a celebrity and in Ukraine people single others out if anything weird happens.
By the way, there were lots of fans crying “Stiles dumps Lydia!”, what I find quite strange, because Stilinski had never dated Martin even before he met Malia. Nevertheless, there were lots of people who knew about “Teen Wolf” only thanks to tabloids with “WHO THE HELL IS STILES?” on the headlines, but after a few hours together they wanted to celebrate the achievement of our project and told that now we’ll be in the full glare of publicity for a long time.
I can’t reveal all the secrets, but I think you deserve a small piece of information about the plot. There’ll be journalists, who want to detect what is strange in Beacon Hills (except a couple of werewolves, of course) while Derek and Lydia are trying to talk the story up. There’ll be Isaac Lahey and for him his father’s death still will be unpalatable. Well, maybe I’m economical with the truth, but you have to wait a little and watch a new season this summer! Thank you!